How To Acheive What You Want In Life ? Success Series Part 1

Hello Freinds,
Myself Sahil Davda,

Today I am publishing the first post of our new Success Series, How To Acheieve What You Want in Life ?

This is The Intoductory Post and The First Step Towards Acheiving What You Want.

So, in this series I will be sharing multiple ways, methods, tips and formulas which would help your subconscious mind to start working our on your desires and wishes and convert them into physical materials in your life.

Let me start explaining you the first step towards achieving what you want by asking you a Question.

Have You Classified your goals into a book ? 

So, The people who meet me regularly at my office or come to my office for a Personal session on Goal Setting & Achieving always find me asking this question at the very first talk that, 'Have You Made a Goal Chart, Or A Visionboard or Goal Book?'

And when they me, 'No Sir', we dont have a Goal Book but we remember all that in our mind,

I guide them at the same time that moment that a perfect achiever never keeps his goal on mind rather they prepare a goal book and keep it with them and read it whenever they have a time of minute or two.

The Very First Step is Actually The Process of Setting a Classified Goal. 

The younger generations reading this right now face a very big dilemma,
Suppose they set an academic goal of 90%.
There is none to question that why have you set such sought of goal ?

But the student who set the goal of 90% actually got 65% in his last exam, Now the universe truly states that if you set a goal higher than your caliber, You will be disappointed.

Same is faced by the adult generation, They think of getting an Audi and when they don't get, feel disappointed.

Now let me solve this dilemma, A perfect method of achieving your desired goals is chunking them in bite sized pieces, working on it step by step.

Let's  first pick up out a solution for students who admire an academic goal.

Lets take the example of a student I described earlier. He was a student attaining 65% and desired for 90% at the first step, Its final that he will be disappointed.

Now lets take an example of man who desired for Audi.

Now let me describe a perfect method of setting goal from my book which I am currently writing. The main aim of that book is to provide a step by step guide on setting goals.

The method I am describing below is just a small part of that book.

So, The General Method of Goal Setting is SMART Method. SMART is mnemonic acronym for

S - Specific - Target a Specific Goal

M - Measurable - Quantify or atleast                                                suggest an inficator of.                                        progress.

A - Acheievable - Set a Goal Which Can Be Acheived in Real Life.

R - Realistic - The Goal Which You Have Set
                        Must Exist In Real Life.

T - Time Bound - The Goal You Have Set.                                       Must Have A Time Limit

According to this theory you might have figured out that the student, who is a student of of 65% and wish for 90% must first have a goal for of probably....... 70% or 72%, 73%, after he achieves that, he shall be confident on himself and now shall proceed for the taeget of 75% or 80% and so on.

The man who actually wished for an Audi was having a scooter, Now what he could do is wish for a bike and then a sedan and then an SUV and Finally an AUDI.

The Proper METHOD of Setting once understood helps you to set clarrified goals. Because our subconscious mind only understands cleae and specific goals with Pictures.

Set Your Goals As Clear As Possible.

Lets Take And Example Of My Goal Book,

In my goal book I have partitions for abstract goals i.e,

Do you think that you will get these-these-these items and you would be happy?

No, There are many other things which matter such as -

• Respect in society
• Good Relationships
• Good Health
& Many More

I have partitions for cars, bikes, ultra luxurious items and so on.
I even note down the smallest things I want, such as I wanted to own a mike, which I achieved, but a goal is a goal, never big or small. I EVEN HAVE CLASSIFIED THE LANGUAGES I WANT TO LEARN.

Now let us come to the next step that is visualisation on which we will be publishing an individual article. But apart from that, the step comes is putting effort.

Let me clear myself,
Setting goal, visualising it daily, and doing no work towards it will not bear you results.

Now, dont get me wrong over here as it is not like if you set a goal higher than your caliber, you will not achieve it. You will, but it needs a huge amount of vigorous dedication.

And as we all know, today we are mostly busy in our mobile phones scrolling down & down & down Instagram and Facebook posts.

Visualisation and efforts work hand in hand to give results.

If you do everytjing else properly and would not give sufficient efforts then it will not give you results.

Remember the Formula -
 Situation + Action : Results

Effort is the key towards achieving your goal, visualisation helps you to motivate continuously.

At last I suggest you to set goals and pen down them in a book.

Kindly comment down below about your experience in reading this article.

Thank You.

Kindest Regards.
Sahil Davda
| Youngest Entrepreneur of India | Life Coach | Member for The Indian Memory Sports Council | Founder at Sahil Planete | 


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