Be Bold To Do Business in India

Hello  Everyone, 

It has been almost been more than half a decade  while I have been into my professional career and an important lesson I have learnt is that, 
‘You Need To be Bold To Do Business in India’ 

Now what do I mean by being bold ? 

Being bold is that, You need to have a capacity to speak up for wrong things. 

Many times what will happen is, The companies you are interning with, those company’s boss will be shouting at you and HR heads will be screwing your mind and many other things are gonna happen. 

But what you need to do is, 
Be Perfect at Everything and Have the Ability to Speak Up for Wrong. 

Don’t judge me over here as I am telling all these upon my Experiences. 

Once I had been working for an actress (Cannot Disclose Name) 
She was so dumb and stupid who said me that, ‘Sahil, Please boost my instagram followers from 260K to 1 million in 1 month without any investment.’ 

And she toasted my brain so much that I had to leave her assignment. 

At that time, I had got my first celebrity client and so I was not able to speak. 

But now after working with so many professionals, I know what I have to do and so I don’t allow anyone to interact with my work. 

Basically what I am trying to tell is, 
You need to speak for what is wrong and what is right. 

Not taking my advice wrong, 
Please don’t reply your boss with rude answers please, Or else what will happen is FIRE. 

What you need to understand is being perfect to your work and actually so perfect that none is able to pin point you. 

Sahil Davda 

Ph: +91-7383235303 

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